Locally acquainted and globally connected. Since 1968, the Deutsche Möbelspedition (DMS) is one the leading, privately owned, mid-sized transport companies in Germany. In this time, DMS went from a traditional moving company to become a modern logistics network with already 120 branches today. We offer our private and business customers of all sectors of industry highly qualified logistical and related services from one single source. Meanwhile far beyond the borders of Germany.
Locally acquainted and globally connected. Since 1968, the Deutsche Möbelspedition (DMS) is one the leading, privately owned, mid-sized transport companies in Germany. In this time, DMS went from a traditional moving company to become a modern logistics network with already 120 branches today. We offer our private and business customers of all sectors of industry highly qualified logistical and related services from one single source. Meanwhile far beyond the borders of Germany.
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